Darning, repair, make, mend

    Hikaru Noguchi Darning, repair, make, mend


    Product description

    94 pages, translated from Japanese


    THE book by Japanese artist-artisan Hikaru Noguchi, finally translated into English. With 12 step-by-step techniques and 63 application suggestions, repair your moth-holed jumpers, to the bone worn jeans and worn-out socks. Hikaru Noguchi regularly releases great live videos on Instagram that you can follow to watch her do and learn the techniques.



    The slogan "Mend more, buy less" has become one of my guiding principles, so give it a try and be inspired.


    I've put together a whole section called mending on the site so that you can easily find the materials you'll need to get started: darning mushroom (but don't forget that your mum and grandma probably had a darning egg in their sewing box), needles, thread.


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